Featuring San Marzano Tomatoes at this week's Farmers' Markets!


Did you know our San Marzano tomato is one of our most popular varieties amongst gourmet and home chefs alike? These teardrop shaped, meaty, plum-type tomatoes are sweet, with a complex flavor perfect for making pasta sauce. They also taste delicious chopped into salads and sliced onto sandwiches.

We have plenty of tomatoes, peppers, and summer squash for you to choose from this week at any of the farmers’ markets we attend listed below:

Tuesday July 27, 2021:

Torrance https://www.torranceca.gov/our-city/cultural-services/farmers-market

Wednesday July 28, 2021:

Santa Monica https://www.smgov.net/portals/farmersmarket/
Ventura https://www.vccfm.org/midtown-ventura

Thursday July 29, 2021:

Thousand Oaks https://www.vccfm.org/thousand-oaks
Carpinteria http://www.sbfarmersmarket.org/events.php
South Pasadena http://southpasadenafarmersmarket.org/

Friday July 30, 2021:

Montecito http://www.sbfarmersmarket.org/events.php